Amendment C130maro
Consultation has concluded

Ringwood Metropolitan Activity Centre (MAC)
Notice of Approval of Amendment C130maro to Maroondah Planning Scheme
The Minister for Planning has approved Amendment C130maro to the Maroondah Planning Scheme. The Amendment came into operation on 10 December 2021 as published in the Victoria Government Gazette S700.
The Amendment updates the Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS) at Clauses 21.01, 21.02, 21.03, 21.06, 21.07, 21.08 and 21.10 to give effect to the Ringwood Metropolitan Activity Centre Masterplan (Maroondah City Council, 2018).
It rezones land within the Ringwood Metropolitan Activity Centre to the Activity Centre Zone Schedule 1 (ACZ1), including rezoning land to the Public Park and Recreation Zone (PPRZ).
It amends Schedule 1 to the Development Contributions Plan Overlay (DCPO1) and applies the DCPO1 across the activity centre area, amends Clause 72.08 to include the Masterplan as a Background Document, amends Clause 72.04 to include the Ringwood Metropolitan Activity Centre Development Contributions Plan, March 2019 as an incorporated document and deletes the Ringwood District Centre Development Contributions Plan, July 1997.
A copy of the Amendment can be inspected, free of charge, at the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website at or by contacting 1800 789 386 to arrange a time to view the Amendment documentation and free of charge, at the Maroondah City Council website at and/or during office hours, at the offices of the Maroondah City Council, 179 Maroondah Highway, Ringwood.
Amendment Notification
Council exhibited Planning Scheme Amendment C130maro February to April 2020 and considered submissions at the Council meeting on 18 May 2020.
Exhibition of Amendment C130 has now closed
Planning Panel appointed to consider submissions
A Planning Panel was appointed to consider the submissions.
Due to COVID-19 and the associated physical distancing requirements, the Directions Hearing for Amendment C130 was held by video conference on Monday 15 June 2020.
Parties to the Hearing were contacted by Planning Panels Victoria regarding these arrangements.
The Panel Hearing for Amendment C130 was held by video conference on Monday 20 July to Friday 24 July 2020.
Parties to the Hearing were contacted by Planning Panels Victoria regarding these arrangements. The Panel heard this matter in an open forum, consistent with its obligation to conduct hearings in public.
Background Information
The Ringwood Metropolitan Activity Centre (MAC) is continuing to change and transition towards becoming a modern town centre rich with development opportunities that, if well managed, will be an exemplar activity hub for our local and sub-regional communities.
The vision for the Ringwood MAC Masterplan is that Ringwood is the major urban destination in Melbourne’s outer east. It will contain a vibrant city centre, with an active local economy offering contemporary lifestyle options set in a natural landscape and connected through an advanced road and rail network.
Following extensive consultation with key stakeholders and residents living within the activity centre, Council adopted the Ringwood MAC Masterplan in 2018. Since the adoption of this policy Council prepared changes to the Maroondah Planning Scheme to implement this policy and help guide this activity.
About the Amendment
Amendment C130maro ('the Amendment") implements the objectives and strategies of the Ringwood MAC Masterplan through the application of local policy, zones and overlays.
The Amendment applies to land within the Ringwood Metropolitan Activity Centre which includes land:
- To the north, the Bypass from EastLink to Mt Dandenong Road.
- To the east, Ringwood Lake and Bedford Park to Pitt Street.
- To the south, Bedford Road, to Station Street then following the properties to the rear of Station Street through to Wantirna Road. The boundary then follows the train line to New Street, then along Molan Street to Heatherdale Road (Municipal boundary).
- To the west, the boundary follows Heatherdale Road to Maroondah Highway then the eastern side of EastLink through to the Bypass.
The Maroondah Planning Scheme and all Planning amendments are located on the Victorian State Government Planning website. For all details on the Amendment please visit or the FAQ section on this page.
For further information on Amendment C130maro, please contact Council's Statutory Planning team on 1300 88 22 33.