Maroondah 2040 Community Vision - April 2020 Update

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Consultation has concluded

The Maroondah 2040 Community Vision consultation has now closed and we thank you all for the wonderful feedback.

Maroondah 2040: Our future together, was endorsed by Council in June 2014, providing a roadmap for our community, Council and other levels of government to partner together and create a future that enhances Maroondah as a great place to live, work, play and visit. To develop the plan, we worked with our community, partners and service providers, to understand what key factors were influencing Maroondah's future. We met with many people across the community to find out what they loved about Maroondah and what they would like to see changed. Out of this extensive consultation emerged Maroondah 2040: Our future together which included a community vision statement:

"In 2040, Maroondah will be a vibrant and diverse city with a healthy and active community living in green leafy neighbourhoods which are connected to thriving and accessible activity centres contributing to a prosperous economy within a safe, inclusive and sustainable environment."

Five years into the journey, and we have checked back in with the Maroondah community to see what they think has changed. As part of this review process, we researched and identified emerging issues and trends that are impacting our community. Together with the Maroondah community, we explored these issues and trends, and their associated implications.

Using this information, we have now updated the Maroondah 2040 Community Vision to capture the latest community aspirations and priorities, emerging themes and trends, and provide the strategic blueprint for Council and the community to continue to work together to shape the future of Maroondah to the year 2040.

The overarching Community Vision statement and the eight key outcome areas remain unchanged. What has changed is the policy areas and priorities that will contribute to these outcomes. There is a greater focus on:

  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Preventing harms from family violence, alcohol, drugs and gambling
  • Supporting local businesses and business investment
  • Lifelong learning, positive education, and connecting education and employment opportunities
  • Celebrating Maroondah’s unique characteristics and diverse cultures through the arts
  • Waste management innovation and climate change mitigation
  • Transport network integration, including more active and sustainable transport options
  • Living locally and 20 minute neighbourhoods
  • Affordable housing and housing diversity
  • Greater social inclusion among all ages, abilities and backgrounds
  • Understanding and embracing diversity
  • Community involvement in decision making

The Maroondah 2040 Community Vision April 2020 update and a series of Fact Sheets explaining each of the 8 outcome areas, can be found in the document library on this page.

Further information

For more information on the Maroondah 2040 Community Vision - April 2020 Update, please contact Grant Meyer, Manager Integrated Planning on 1300 88 22 33 or email us at

The Maroondah 2040 Community Vision consultation has now closed and we thank you all for the wonderful feedback.

Maroondah 2040: Our future together, was endorsed by Council in June 2014, providing a roadmap for our community, Council and other levels of government to partner together and create a future that enhances Maroondah as a great place to live, work, play and visit. To develop the plan, we worked with our community, partners and service providers, to understand what key factors were influencing Maroondah's future. We met with many people across the community to find out what they loved about Maroondah and what they would like to see changed. Out of this extensive consultation emerged Maroondah 2040: Our future together which included a community vision statement:

"In 2040, Maroondah will be a vibrant and diverse city with a healthy and active community living in green leafy neighbourhoods which are connected to thriving and accessible activity centres contributing to a prosperous economy within a safe, inclusive and sustainable environment."

Five years into the journey, and we have checked back in with the Maroondah community to see what they think has changed. As part of this review process, we researched and identified emerging issues and trends that are impacting our community. Together with the Maroondah community, we explored these issues and trends, and their associated implications.

Using this information, we have now updated the Maroondah 2040 Community Vision to capture the latest community aspirations and priorities, emerging themes and trends, and provide the strategic blueprint for Council and the community to continue to work together to shape the future of Maroondah to the year 2040.

The overarching Community Vision statement and the eight key outcome areas remain unchanged. What has changed is the policy areas and priorities that will contribute to these outcomes. There is a greater focus on:

  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Preventing harms from family violence, alcohol, drugs and gambling
  • Supporting local businesses and business investment
  • Lifelong learning, positive education, and connecting education and employment opportunities
  • Celebrating Maroondah’s unique characteristics and diverse cultures through the arts
  • Waste management innovation and climate change mitigation
  • Transport network integration, including more active and sustainable transport options
  • Living locally and 20 minute neighbourhoods
  • Affordable housing and housing diversity
  • Greater social inclusion among all ages, abilities and backgrounds
  • Understanding and embracing diversity
  • Community involvement in decision making

The Maroondah 2040 Community Vision April 2020 update and a series of Fact Sheets explaining each of the 8 outcome areas, can be found in the document library on this page.

Further information

For more information on the Maroondah 2040 Community Vision - April 2020 Update, please contact Grant Meyer, Manager Integrated Planning on 1300 88 22 33 or email us at