Supporting our community

I have been sending our Knox Bridge Club members an email every Wednesday morning. The subject for tomorrow’s email is Birthdays, Game, News, Funnies, Recipe and Virtual Holiday - Week 11.

I’ve also been sending ecards to all those having a birthday. I have had a lot of positive feedback regarding the weekly emails. Many members have been contributing by sending me amusing, interesting and topical video clips and their news.

Other news is from phoning members. I have nearly got through phoning all our nearly 60 members. Most of those that I haven’t phoned, I’ve had email exchanges. When I’ve identified a member who is struggling, I’ve asked another member to phone them and keep in touch. Other committee members are also phoning members. Our members are mostly in the older group, over 60,and mostly retired,.

My signature ending has changed from ‘Happy bridging’ to ‘Keep well and keep occupied’, keep occupied because I think that it’s important perhaps especially for retirees to have a range of hobbies and interests that they can pursue at home as well as do some regular daily exercise for those who are able! I’ve also included suggestions for activities in the weekly emails.


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