Consultation Summary
In October 2019, Council consulted with key stakeholders and the community on proposed key elements being considered for the Croydon Community Precinct.
How did we consult?
A range of consultation methods were used, including online, hard copy surveys and face to face pop-up consultations in Croydon Town Square, Arndale Shopping Centre, Croydon Central and Aquahub. The project team also attended a range of community events, inviting people to have their say on the project.
A Community Information Bulletin was distributed to approximately 15,000 residents in Croydon and Croydon South, and approximately 8000 email's sent to Traders, Business, Community Groups and Service providers.
The project was also promoted via Council's normal communications channels, including Social Media, with posts reaching 12,984 users.
What feedback did we receive?
Overall, 96 percent of respondents supported the development of a new community hub to replace the existing aged Council facilities. Key themes arising from the comments provided include:
- Accessible, inclusive, supportive and safe meeting/gathering spaces.
- Vibrant, active spaces
- A place for all ages and abilities
- Space for arts, culture, music and live performances
- Cafe's and restaurants
- A single level library
- Protect EV's character and heritage
96.9 percent of respondents supported the development of a new family and children's hub. Key themes arising from the comments provided include:
- Parent/Carer support services
- A space for mums and bubs
- Disability and Mental Health services and supports
- Family violence/crisis centre
- Must be inclusive, supportive
- Integenerational programs - children and seniors
- Outdoor gym/exercise equipment
- Good connectivity to Aquahub
- Female friendly facilities
- Cycling/walking tracks
- Modified, non structured sports for seniors
- Soccer, basketball, volleyball, Bocce and Pentanque
- Safety
- Improved lighting
- Sensory/community gardens
- Art/water features
- Enhanced duck pond
- More shade/trees/vegetation
- Picnic areas/BBQ/Seating
- Indigenous planting/garden
- Safety/Lighting
- Well connected, accessible areas
- Connectivity to Main Street
- Lighting
- Safety
- Parking
- Pedestrian and bicycle improvements
- Improve the Gateway - make the precinct a destination
- Improved disability/scooter mobility
- Sheltered walkways
- Open to commercial developments
- Provision of business/co-working space
- More retail opportunities
- More cafe's, coffee shops and specialty shops
- Development that is high quality
- Safe/secure/well lit.
The feedback received throughout this consutation phase has helped shape the draft Croydon Community Precinct masterplan. The draft Masterplan will be available for further consultation commencing 10 November, 2019.
Consultation has concluded