Themes and Strategies
- Market the benefits and attractions of the centre.
- Build on opportunities such as the former cinema area and enhanced spaces for dining, to grow the nightlife and increase street vibrancy.
- Create good quality office spaces for small businesses that provide professional, social and health-related services.
- Work with Swinburne University to identify opportunities to share facilities and expand education and employment otferings.
- Use green infrastructure to improve liveability and community wellbeing through providing a range of services including urban shading and cooling, localised flood mitigation, and connection to nature.
- Create habitats within the areas of public open space that provide wildlife links from the Tarralla Creek.
- Redevelop the Taralla Creek precinct (Precinct 7) as a leading-edge example of water and biodiversity sensitive urban design.
- Facilitate best practice building design and function (including public buildings and new housing) that incorporate green infrastructure, and energy and water efficiency.
- Improve the look of both public and private areas through design and the materials.
- Take advantage of the level crossing removal by improving public areas and connecting ditferent parts of the centre.
- Protect heritage assets and key viewlines. Improve the design of new buildings and landscaping to make sure they fit in with the current location and existing cultural identity of Croydon.
- Consider ways to combine smaller sites for redevelopment that delivers better design outcomes.
- Improve safety, and the perception of safety, in public areas.
- Make it easier and safer for everyone to move around the centre.
- Improve the public transport interchange facilities and upgrade bus routes.
- Review public parking options taking into account the use of the new multi-level car park to provide more public parking.
- Create safe and easy-to-use streets and routes for pedestrians and cyclists that connect to the wider regional network.
- Reduce traffic volumes and speed in certain parts of the centre to improve safety and create a more pleasant environment for walking and riding bicycles.
- Encourage transition to electric vehicles including bikes and mobility aides, as well as shared transport such as car share and ride share.
- Encourage creation of flexible spaces for significant community and cultural events
- Address the limitations of the existing library, youth centre, senior citizen centre, and community halls by delivering flexible multipurpose facilities in the Croydon Community Wellbeing Precinct.
- Expand arts and cultural facilities in the centre by providing rehearsal, presentation and cultural production spaces.
- Improve connectivity between and accessibility of major landmarks and community places.
- Make the centre accessible by all members of the community including those with special needs.
- Explore partnerships and working with other partners to enhance community services.
Business and Economic Development
To strengthen the centre’s role as a sub-regional employment and education hub that compliments nearby employment clusters.
Proposed strategies:
Natural Environment and Climate Change
To protect, improve, and extend areas of natural environment within the centre and demonstrate ways that development can improve liveability, increase biodiversity and respond to climate change.
Proposed strategies:
Urban Design and Built Form
To ensure improved urban design and built form outcomes in the centre. Proposed strategies:
Transport and Movement
To ensure there are safe, accessible, and easy to use transport options that encourage reduced car ownership and use within and to the centre.
Proposed strategies:
Housing and Residential Development
To provide additional housing and a greater range of housing choices within the centre to meet current and future community needs.
Proposed strategies:
• Identify areas well-placed to build more homes, including near Tarralla Creek.
• Encourage a variety of housing styles and densities to meet different lifestyles and needs.
• Use planning regulations to encourage developers to include affordable homes in projects.
• Encourage developers to work with housing associations to deliver social and affordable housing projects
Community Infrastructure
To ensure the provision and renewal of community facilities meets the needs of residents, visitors, students, and workers. Proposed strategies: