What does SUP stand for?

    SUP is the acronym for Shared User Path.

    Can the road crossing at Gardini Avenue be raised and prioritised?

    Spatial limitations within the road reserve in addition to roundabout design requirements such as approach angles, heavy vehicle swept paths and vehicle storage limits the ability to provide a prioritised crossing. Cyclists will need to give way to vehicles at the Gardini Avenue crossing.

    Can a connection to the Eastlink Trail and Heathmont Trail be considered?

    Council has considered at a high strategic level the future linkages to both the Eastlink Trail and Heathmont Trail from the future Reilly Street SUP. These links require further detailed planning and design noting the complex challenges within the desirable road reserve.

    How will this proposed tree planting ensure a consistent streetscape?

    The proposed species beneath the overhead powerlines are similar in scale but will not impact the existing powerlines. While it will be sought to maximise re-plantings, consideration will be given to ensuring consistent spacing between street trees. Where larger trees are proposed such as those along Greenwood Park, these plantings will be consistent with the existing large trees along the frontage of the park.

    Can the path be re-aligned so that it is along Greenwood Park to reduce driveway interfaces?

    A proposal to take the SUP alignment along Greenwood Park with a prioritised road crossing at 16 Greenwood Avenue was considered, however, the requirement to retain two significant trees along the Greenwood Park frontage prohibits the ability to accommodate an SUP with appropriate width, grading and curvature along this section of Greenwood Avenue.

    Will there be a safe crossing at the Station Street end of the project to the Ringwood to Box Hill Trail?

    It is intended to deliver, or at the very least future proof, a cycle link to the Ringwood to Box Hill Trail across Station Street as part of the re-development of the 1 Bedford Road parcel. Due to the development design, which includes any required changes to the Greenwood Avenue / Station Street intersection, being in its early planning stage and therefore unresolved, the connection will be considered after the proposed development.

    Will there be a connection to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Primary School?

    Council will consider a future connection along Bedford Road, however, this will be outside the scope of the current project.  A future Bedford Road connection to the primary school may have synergies with the future Ringwood to Croydon SUP, however, this is a challenging alignment having regard to existing services and vegetation within the road reserve.

    Can the Henry Street and Caroline Street crossings be prioritised by shared user path users?

    Prioritised raised crossings were considered at Caroline Street and Henry Street, however, this could not be safely designed as a vehicle in the Give Way position will need to stop over the raised crossing out of necessity to gain the required sight distance. This would conflict with a prioritised SUP crossing.

    Setting the SUP crossing further back into Caroline Street and Henry Street to allow a vehicle to store off the crossing was also considered, however, this was not possible due to spatial constraints between the property boundary and the kerb.

    Noting the above, it was considered that the most workable arrangement, having regard to the regulatory framework and the cycling user experience, was to have raised crossings with start and end signs - the responsibility would fall on the cyclist to navigate in accordance with the road conditions. This is considered to be a suitable arrangement where SUPs are retrofitted in challenging spatially constrained established “greyfield” areas.

    Will the Wantirna Road signals be future proofed for cyclists?

    The traffic signal project at the intersection of Wantirna Road and Reilly Street is being managed by VicRoads (Department of Transport) as the owner and manager of Wantirna Road; a primary state arterial road. During the development phase, Council Engineers have provided feedback to VicRoads that the intersection crosswalks should be wide enough to facilitate both cyclists and pedestrians.

    Will the crossing near Reilly Street be prioritised?

    A prioritised crossing across Greenwood Avenue including consolidation of the existing zebra crossing will be considered during the development of the future Reilly Street SUP.