What elements are being proposed to enhance Jubilee Park?
In September 2019 we asked the community and key user groups to share their thought on proposed key elements being considered for Jubilee Park:
Enhanced bushland
- Continue to develop and implement strategies that address loss of tree canopy
- Additional tree planting to increase bushland areas
Enhanced sporting facilities
- Improved multipurpose RO Spencer Pavilion – primary use for football and cricket however it will provide opportunities for other community groups to use during non-game/training times (subject to external funding)
- New regional indoor cricket training hub (possible use by other sports) adjacent to pavilion (subject to external funding)
- Improved spectator viewing area adjacent to the pavilion and around Russel Lucas oval (subject to external funding)
- Lighting upgrade for Russell Lucas oval (subject to external funding)
- Pavilion refurbishment, incorporating female friendly change facilities, new lighting and new scoreboard at Jubilee oval number 2 (subject to external funding)
- Amenity improvement of tennis pavilion, fence replacement, installation of hot shots court (subject to external funding)
- Soccer playing surface renewal
- New soccer scoreboard improved spectator viewing area and lighting upgrade
Enhanced open space
- Consolidate playgrounds and include a new picnic area
- Review dog off leash areas to improve safety
- Additional landscaping
- Improved lighting across the precinct (subject to external funding)
- Use open space design principles that enhance public safety, including security around maintenance sheds
Enhanced accessibility
- Consideration of a possible pedestrian crossing at Greenwood Avenue, subject to further traffic studies and investigations (subject to external funding)
- Improved carpark amenity and lighting (while being sympathetic to the natural setting of the park (subject to external funding)
- Improved pedestrian and cycling connectivity between facilities and within the precinct
- Improved vehicle and pedestrian access into Russell Lucas Oval
- Improved signage/wayfinding within the precinct
Feedback on these proposed key elements will assist Council in developing a draft Enhancement Plan for Jubilee Park.
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