Maroondah 2050 Community Vision

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Update 16 July 2024

With the community engagement phase now complete for the Maroondah 2050 Community Vision, all responses received are currently being considered by Council and will feed into the new Vision as it is drafted.

Engagement to date has included:

  • Broad community and stakeholder engagement (August - December 2023)
  • Deliberative engagement via a Community Panel (February - May 2024)
  • Targeted community and stakeholder engagement (January - April 2024)

The draft Maroondah 2050 Community Vision will be presented to Councillors for consideration, prior to its adoption in June 2025.

Your Maroondah - Our Future

For almost 10 years, the Maroondah 2040 - Our future together Community Vision has provided a roadmap to assist our community and Council to work with partner organisations and other levels of government to enhance Maroondah as a great place to live, work, play and visit.

Now, Maroondah City Council is working in partnership with our local community to create a new Maroondah 2050 Community Vision for our City, which reflects our community’s aspirations and priorities.

During the engagement process, Council asked the community to imagine Maroondah in 2050. What do you hope our community is like? What do we need to prioritise? What are the things we most need to change?

What's been happening

Broad community and stakeholder engagement

Council consulted with our broader community to hear their thoughts, aspirations, and ideas about the future of Maroondah.

The feedback indicates that the Maroondah community highly values our natural environment, particularly Maroondah’s green, leafy natural environment; flora and fauna; parks; tree canopies, and green spaces.

These values are closely followed by the location, proximity and accessibility of Maroondah, including the City’s location within greater Melbourne; ease of access to local services and facilities; and transport options. Neighbourhood character and sense of space, safety and peacefulness are also considered important.

The extensive Maroondah 2050 community engagement process included more than 30 face-to-face engagement sessions held at Council events and a range of neighbourhoods across Maroondah. Surveys were made available both online and in hard copy. Workshops were also held with community leaders from across Maroondah, Council’s seven advisory committees, along with targeted workshops with young people, culturally and linguistically diverse community leaders.

Community Panel

Over a series of five sessions, a diverse and representative group of approximately 30 community members came together and explored results of the broad community engagement process and the outcomes of detailed background research, as they worked in partnership with Council to provide their recommendations and input into the Maroondah 2050 Community Vision.

The Panel also provided valuable input into other key Council strategic documents including the four-year Council Plan, ten-year Financial Plan and Asset Plan.

Targeted engagement

Further targeted community and stakeholder engagement aimed to ensure the extensive feedback captured as part of the Maroondah 2050 Community Vision engagement process was representative of the entire Maroondah community.

Further engagement opportunities as part of the targeted engagement process were provided for:

  • Children, young people and young adults (aged 12-25 years)
  • First Nations people
  • Members of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities
  • People with a disability and carers of people with a disability
  • Socially isolated and vulnerable members of the community, including older people aged over 85 years.

Engagement processes included online and hard copy surveys, face-to-face engagement sessions, and workshops with young people and community leaders.

The next stage

Results from all forms of the engagement process and background research are currently being reviewed and considered. The draft Maroondah 2050 Community Vision will be prepared for Council consideration following the forthcoming October 2024 local government elections. It is anticipated that the Maroondah 2050 Community Vision will be adopted by Council by June 2025.

Further information

For more information, visit the Frequently Asked Questions. You can also contact us on 1300 88 22 33 or 9298 4598 or email

Update 16 July 2024

With the community engagement phase now complete for the Maroondah 2050 Community Vision, all responses received are currently being considered by Council and will feed into the new Vision as it is drafted.

Engagement to date has included:

  • Broad community and stakeholder engagement (August - December 2023)
  • Deliberative engagement via a Community Panel (February - May 2024)
  • Targeted community and stakeholder engagement (January - April 2024)

The draft Maroondah 2050 Community Vision will be presented to Councillors for consideration, prior to its adoption in June 2025.

Your Maroondah - Our Future

For almost 10 years, the Maroondah 2040 - Our future together Community Vision has provided a roadmap to assist our community and Council to work with partner organisations and other levels of government to enhance Maroondah as a great place to live, work, play and visit.

Now, Maroondah City Council is working in partnership with our local community to create a new Maroondah 2050 Community Vision for our City, which reflects our community’s aspirations and priorities.

During the engagement process, Council asked the community to imagine Maroondah in 2050. What do you hope our community is like? What do we need to prioritise? What are the things we most need to change?

What's been happening

Broad community and stakeholder engagement

Council consulted with our broader community to hear their thoughts, aspirations, and ideas about the future of Maroondah.

The feedback indicates that the Maroondah community highly values our natural environment, particularly Maroondah’s green, leafy natural environment; flora and fauna; parks; tree canopies, and green spaces.

These values are closely followed by the location, proximity and accessibility of Maroondah, including the City’s location within greater Melbourne; ease of access to local services and facilities; and transport options. Neighbourhood character and sense of space, safety and peacefulness are also considered important.

The extensive Maroondah 2050 community engagement process included more than 30 face-to-face engagement sessions held at Council events and a range of neighbourhoods across Maroondah. Surveys were made available both online and in hard copy. Workshops were also held with community leaders from across Maroondah, Council’s seven advisory committees, along with targeted workshops with young people, culturally and linguistically diverse community leaders.

Community Panel

Over a series of five sessions, a diverse and representative group of approximately 30 community members came together and explored results of the broad community engagement process and the outcomes of detailed background research, as they worked in partnership with Council to provide their recommendations and input into the Maroondah 2050 Community Vision.

The Panel also provided valuable input into other key Council strategic documents including the four-year Council Plan, ten-year Financial Plan and Asset Plan.

Targeted engagement

Further targeted community and stakeholder engagement aimed to ensure the extensive feedback captured as part of the Maroondah 2050 Community Vision engagement process was representative of the entire Maroondah community.

Further engagement opportunities as part of the targeted engagement process were provided for:

  • Children, young people and young adults (aged 12-25 years)
  • First Nations people
  • Members of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities
  • People with a disability and carers of people with a disability
  • Socially isolated and vulnerable members of the community, including older people aged over 85 years.

Engagement processes included online and hard copy surveys, face-to-face engagement sessions, and workshops with young people and community leaders.

The next stage

Results from all forms of the engagement process and background research are currently being reviewed and considered. The draft Maroondah 2050 Community Vision will be prepared for Council consideration following the forthcoming October 2024 local government elections. It is anticipated that the Maroondah 2050 Community Vision will be adopted by Council by June 2025.

Further information

For more information, visit the Frequently Asked Questions. You can also contact us on 1300 88 22 33 or 9298 4598 or email