What is a masterplan?

    A masterplan establishes a framework to enable the delivery of a centre that has a diverse, compact and well-connected community rich in local jobs, transport, services, culture and affordable housing.

    Protecting valuable natural and historical features, as well as using land more efficiently, are also important aspects of masterplans.

    Masterplans set out a blueprint for balanced development and investment that will occur over many years.

    What is a Metropolitan Activity Centre?

    Metropolitan Activity Centres (MACs) are important elements of the Victorian Government’s long-term plan (Plan Melbourne) to encourage and manage the sustainable growth of Melbourne’s suburbs. They are the highest priority areas for commercial and residential development and renewal outside of the Central Business District. Plan Melbourne recognises Metropolitan Activity Centres as the cornerstones for establishing more jobs, housing and services in the suburbs.

    Ringwood is defined as one of nine MACs in Plan Melbourne, and therefore will be a focus for growth.

    What is the Ringwood Metropolitan Activity Centre?

    The Ringwood MAC is located 23km east of Melbourne’s CBD within the municipality of Maroondah. It is a key subregional destination with a diverse range of land uses and activities that serve a wide sub regional catchment.

    Geographically Ringwood MAC is situated along Maroondah Highway at the foot of the Dandenong’s, operating as a gateway to the Yarra Valley, a popular tourist destination, as well as an important sub-regional goods and services hub.

    Ringwood’s location, integrated within the expansive arterial road and railway network of the outer east of Melbourne has enabled it to be established as a strategic transport node.

    The RMAC boundary as per the draft Draft Ringwood MAC Masterplan 2018

    The RMAC boundary as per the draft Draft Ringwood MAC Masterplan 2018

    What is the Ringwood Metropolitan Activity Centre Masterplan?

    The Draft Ringwood MAC Masterplan 2018 promotes Ringwood MAC as a key commercial, retail, industrial and residential location — strategically located within the expansive transport network of eastern Melbourne.

    The draft Masterplan identified Council’s vision for Ringwood MAC and sets a planning framework to encourage the realisation of its vision.

    Why are we reviewing the RMAC Masterplan?

    Since the release of the Ringwood Transit City Urban Design Masterplan (2004), significant levels of regeneration, development, investment and change have occurred in Ringwood.

    Major achievements for the area have occurred as a result of the 2004 Masterplan include:

    • Major redevelopment and expansion of Eastland;
    • Ringwood Station and Bus Interchange upgrade;
    • Heatherdale Station relocation;
    • Construction of EastLink;
    • New Ringwood Town Centre development and cultural hub inclusion of Realm;
    • New mixed use and high density residential development.

    The actions contained within the Ringwood Transit City Urban Design Masterplan (2004) have been largely completed. There is a need to apply consistent and contemporary planning controls across the entire activity centre.

    The review of the 2004 Masterplan will help to facilitate the sustainable growth and increasing demands of the community, to ensure Ringwood remains a liveable, vibrant, and attractive place to live, work and visit.

    The review also assists in implementing key directions within the Maroondah Housing Strategy to plan for increased housing densities within Ringwood MAC, to continue to protect our neighbourhoods, ridgelines and vegetation.

    What are the key changes in the Draft RMAC Masterplan?

    The Draft Ringwood MAC Masterplan does not seek to make changes to the way the land is currently being used within Ringwood MAC.  It is focussed on enhancing and improving the existing planning controls to continue to encourage development within the Centre.

    The key focus areas of the Draft Ringwood MAC Masterplan are to:

    • Reinforce Ringwood MAC as a principal retail, commercial, community, entertainment and employment precinct
    • Define Ringwood MAC as convenient, safe and accessible
    • Enhance the natural environmental features of Ringwood MAC to distinguish it from other suburban activity centres
    • Establish a true mixed use Centre that promotes high quality urban design
    • Create high quality public spaces that provide for a safe and convenient pedestrian and cyclist environment
    • Provide the infrastructure needed to support the increased number of residents, workers and visitors, and mechanisms to fund future infrastructure.

    What community consultation has been done so far?

    Community engagement has been undertaken in two phases. The first phase of engagement involved the use of visual displays, a future visioning exercise, and an online survey. The purpose of these initial community engagement was to:

    • Engage and consult with the Maroondah community to ensure the review of the Masterplan is consistent with needs and aspirations
    • Inform and educate around the role of the Metropolitan Activity Centre; background, progress to date and future opportunities and directions.

    The second phase of community engagement focussed on how the residential and commercial areas of Ringwood MAC will continue to develop over the next 10 years to achieve urban quality environments. The second phase of community engagement involved one-on-one interview sessions with major land owners, and drop in information sessions with residents living within Ringwood MAC.

    How will my feedback be used to inform the final Masterplan?

    Your feedback is important as it will be used to shape the future of Ringwood.

    After the community consultation for the Draft Ringwood MAC Masterplan 2018 has closed, Council will consider all submissions to identify what people like and dislike about the Draft Masterplan.

    The community’s feedback will be considered by Council, and used to review and make any necessary changes to the final Masterplan before it is adopted.

    What is the process for developing the Draft RMAC Masterplan?

    Council methodology for the development of the RMAC Masterplan can be broken into the following key stages:

    • Initial scoping
    • Background studies and technical work
    • Preparation of updated Masterplan
    • Community consultation
    • Final Ringwood MAC Masterplan