Why is the Ringwood Street layout changed to two northbound lanes and one southbound lane?

    Ringwood Street is 11.6 metres wide, which is too narrow to accommodate two lanes in each direction. The current arrangement generally functions with motorists travelling in a 'squeezed in' and staggered arrangement as the existing lane widths do not comfortably accommodate two lanes of travel in each direction.

    Data from the Loughnan Road / Ringwood Street intersection and the nearby Warrandyte Road / Loughnan Road intersection reveals that Ringwood Street is the primary northbound route from the Ringwood Bypass toward Ringwood North, whereas Warrandyte Road is the primary southbound route toward the Ringwood Bypass. Accordingly, two northbound lanes are provided on Ringwood Street to reinforce the coupled function of these two roads.

    The formalisation of Ringwood Street as a three-lane road provides opportunity to provide improved pedestrian crossing facilities, through the installation of mid-block refuge islands.

    How will this proposal impact on-street car parking?

    Northbound (west) side of Ringwood Street

    The existing parking supply along residential frontages on the west side will generally be retained as per current conditions. However, additional sections of 'No Stopping at all times' are proposed next to the refuge islands to ensure clear sight lines for pedestrians crossing the road and at Andrew Street.


    The change to two northbound lanes provides a clearer path for traffic flow in the right lane around vehicles parked in the left lane.


    Southbound (east) side of Ringwood Street

    The current design proposes to install 'No Stopping at all times' along the east side to ensure a clear path for southbound traffic.


    Loughnan Road

    The existing parking supply along residential frontages will generally be retained as per current conditions. However, a short extension of the No Stopping at all times restriction will be applied to the south side near Ringwood Street for the extended left turn lane.


    Will there be enough car parking on Ringwood Street? 

    Surveys were undertaken during peak residential parking periods to understand current parking utilisation rates. The surveys revealed that a very low level of residential parking occurs on Ringwood Street during peak residential parking periods. 


    The on-street supply in the northbound left lane more than accommodates the surveyed peak parking demand. Additionally, the installation of the refuge islands near Notlen Street improve opportunities for residents and their visitors to cross between both sides of Ringwood Street.


    Should the project proceed to construction, Council Engineers would monitor the parking demand to maintain an appropriate management of car parking supply.

    How will this proposal improve traffic flow on Ringwood Street and Loughnan Road?

    The layout of Ringwood Street is proposed to be changed from one wide single lane in each direction to two northbound lanes and one southbound lane. Data from the Loughnan Road / Ringwood Street intersection and the nearby Warrandyte Road / Loughnan Road intersection reveals that Ringwood Street is the primary northbound route from the Ringwood Bypass toward Ringwood North, whereas Warrandyte Road is the primary southbound route toward the Ringwood Bypass. Accordingly, two northbound lanes are provided on Ringwood Street to improve the northbound capacity of Ringwood Street.

    The arrangement of the Ringwood Street / Loughnan Road intersection is proposed to be changed as follows:

    • Ringwood Street approach to one shared left and right turn lane and one right-only lane, making it easier to turn right onto Loughnan Road
    • Loughnan Road east approach to one left-only lane and one through lane, making it easier to turn left onto Ringwood Street. 

    Traffic modelling has been undertaken which revealed that these changes will also improve the overall intersection capacity.

    How will this proposal impact vegetation?

    No vegetation is proposed for removal as part of this project.

    When will the design be constructed?

    The design is proposed to be implemented in a staged approach, subject to available Council budgets and external funding opportunities. 

    1. The line marking and parking restriction changes are proposed to be implemented in the 2024/25 financial year.
    2. The refuge islands are proposed to be constructed in the 2028/29 financial year.
    3. Council will engage in advocacy efforts with other tiers of government and external agencies to secure funding in order to progress the proposal to detailed design and construction of the Ringwood Street / Loughnan Road intersection lane and signalling changes, and detector loop installation at the Ringwood Bowls Club / Remington Court. 
    4. Subject to the intersection and signalling changes, Council Engineers will investigate the traffic conditions on Ringwood Street and if determined safe and appropriate, install a KEEP CLEAR section on Ringwood Street northbound lanes at William Street and remove right turn bans at Notlen Street.