Communicating and connecting with our community

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Consultation has concluded

Help shape our Communications Strategy and Customer Service Strategy!

Good communications and customer service are vital to everything we do at Maroondah City Council.

As part of our commitment to provide engaging, timely and accessible communications and customer service to the Maroondah community, we are developing two strategies. Have your say to go into the draw for a chance to win one of five $50 Eastland gift vouchers!

Communications Strategy

We are committed to developing a strategy that informs how, when and what we communicate to you, based on what is best for you and our community.

Together, we can create a Communications Strategy that reflects the diverse needs and preferences of our community, ensuring that everyone feels connected and supported.

We want to hear from you! Whether you follow us on social media, subscribe to our various eNewsletters or read our Maroondah news community newsletter, tell us what you think we’re doing well, what we can improve and how we can make sure our communications are engaging and inclusive for all. Your feedback will guide the creation of the four-year Communications Strategy.

Customer Service Strategy

Customer Service is at the heart of everything we do and it comes in many forms.

Whether you interact with a Customer Service Officer, Statutory Planner, Engineer, or other Council staff by phone, live chat or in person, we want to ensure your customer service experiences are helpful, positive and accessible.

Live chat? Phone? In person? Tell us your preferred way of having your queries answered or services completed by providing feedback. Your feedback will help shape the Strategy and how we provide Customer Service over the next four years.

Have your say

The development of these strategies aims to establish a framework to ensure we continue to provide effective and clear communications and customer service to you, our community.

By participating in this consultation process you will help us ensure that our communications and customer service initiatives continue to be inclusive, effective, and responsive to the community's needs. Your input will help shape these strategies to best meet the needs of our diverse community.

Complete our short survey to have your say. The survey will take approximately ten minutes to complete.

Consultation closes on Sunday 9 June. We look forward to hearing from you!

If you have any queries in relation to this consultation, please contact us on 1300 88 22 33 or 9298 4598 or email

Help shape our Communications Strategy and Customer Service Strategy!

Good communications and customer service are vital to everything we do at Maroondah City Council.

As part of our commitment to provide engaging, timely and accessible communications and customer service to the Maroondah community, we are developing two strategies. Have your say to go into the draw for a chance to win one of five $50 Eastland gift vouchers!

Communications Strategy

We are committed to developing a strategy that informs how, when and what we communicate to you, based on what is best for you and our community.

Together, we can create a Communications Strategy that reflects the diverse needs and preferences of our community, ensuring that everyone feels connected and supported.

We want to hear from you! Whether you follow us on social media, subscribe to our various eNewsletters or read our Maroondah news community newsletter, tell us what you think we’re doing well, what we can improve and how we can make sure our communications are engaging and inclusive for all. Your feedback will guide the creation of the four-year Communications Strategy.

Customer Service Strategy

Customer Service is at the heart of everything we do and it comes in many forms.

Whether you interact with a Customer Service Officer, Statutory Planner, Engineer, or other Council staff by phone, live chat or in person, we want to ensure your customer service experiences are helpful, positive and accessible.

Live chat? Phone? In person? Tell us your preferred way of having your queries answered or services completed by providing feedback. Your feedback will help shape the Strategy and how we provide Customer Service over the next four years.

Have your say

The development of these strategies aims to establish a framework to ensure we continue to provide effective and clear communications and customer service to you, our community.

By participating in this consultation process you will help us ensure that our communications and customer service initiatives continue to be inclusive, effective, and responsive to the community's needs. Your input will help shape these strategies to best meet the needs of our diverse community.

Complete our short survey to have your say. The survey will take approximately ten minutes to complete.

Consultation closes on Sunday 9 June. We look forward to hearing from you!

If you have any queries in relation to this consultation, please contact us on 1300 88 22 33 or 9298 4598 or email

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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