What are Activity Centres?

    Areas that provide a focus for services, employment, housing, transport and social interaction. They range in size and intensity of use from smaller neighbourhood centres to major suburban centres like Croydon Major Activity Centre and larger metropolitan centres like Ringwood Metropolitan Activity Centres.

    What is a Structure Plan?

    The Structure Plan defines the long-term vision for an area and key directions and actions for how the vision will be achieved. It identifies the changes that will potentially happen within the activity centre and provide direction for planning zones and land-use changes to meet the needs.

    Why is Council updating the Croydon Major Activity Centre Structure Plan?

    In 2006, Maroondah City Council prepared a Structure Plan for the Croydon Town Centre. Since 2006 there have been many changes to policy and evolving community aspirations. A review and updated Structure Plan enables Council to check back in with the community stakeholders to make sure that the plan reflects the vision and aspirations for the centre.

    How does the draft Croydon Structure Plan affect the future planning for Croydon Primary School?

    Croydon Primary School is on Crown Land and it is the responsibility of the Department of Education as the landowner and manager to plan for and make decisions relating to the site together in consultation with the Croydon Primary School leadership.

    What is a North South Connector?

    North South connector is the term used for a proposed safe, direct, prioritised, off-road path connecting through the centre for cycling and walking. 

    What happens to the existing use on the land that is proposed to change?

    A planning scheme cannot prevent the continuation of a lawfully existing use under the Planning and Environment Act if the existing use was established before the planning scheme came into operation (Source: www.planning.vic.gov.au)

    How do we define low, medium and high density?

    The unit commonly used to define housing density is 'Dwellings per Hectare". 

    Plan Melbourne (a state policy document), uses the following categories to define housing density:

    • Low density: 8-20 dwellings per hectare
    • Medium density: 21-80 dwellings per hectare
    • High density: 80+ dwellings per hectare

    What is the difference between affordable and social housing?

    Affordable housing is defined as housing that is appropriate to the housing needs of very low, low and moderate-income households. 

    Social housing is short and long-term rental housing that is owned and run by the government or not-for-profit agencies. Social housing comprises of public housing and community housing.

    Community housing is managed by not-for-profit organisations. Public housing is owned and managed by the government.

    What community engagement occurred in 2021?

    In 2021, we called upon you to share your ideas and provide feedback on the opportunities based on the Discussion Paper on Issues and Opportunities for the Croydon Major Activity Centre (MAC). 

    We had 815 people visit the project page, 42 survey respondents, 34 comments on the display boards, 41 pins dropped using the online ideation tool and 1 school participation. You can read more about how we engaged and used that feedback to develop the draft plan in our Engagement Summary Report.

    Since 2022, we have delved deeper into the feedback and the opportunities that the area presents and prepared a draft Croydon MAC Structure Plan. The draft outlines a shared vision for the area’s future to help guide growth in suitable areas, ensure growth contributes to our high quality streets, laneways, public open space, heritage character, creek and wetland and amenity.

    How will the feedback from this consultation be used?

    After the community engagement period is closed, Council will review feedback and comments received and consider any necessary changes to the draft Croydon MAC Structure Plan.

    How many people provided feedback in 2021?

    We had 815 people visit the project page, 42 survey respondents, 34 comments on the display boards, 41 pins dropped using the online ideation tool and 1 school participate.