
    What impact will there be to dog off lead areas as shown in Legend number 7 of the stage 1 Enhancement Plan?

    Due to ongoing safety concerns in and around the Council maintenance sheds, we are considering installing a fence around the sheds to ensure dogs remain safe from moving machinery and vehicles.

    Access will still be provided around the oval and Council is not considering restricting dog off lead access in other areas of the precinct or the establishment of a dedicated dog park. 

    Increased wayfinding and dog off lead signs will ensure our dog walking community can continue to use the precinct.

    Why do we need a second entrance?

    Council engaged a traffic management company to undertake a traffic and car parking study of the precinct as part of the Enhancement Plan process.  To better service the access requirements for the facility, another access point off Greenwood Avenue has been included, which will improve traffic and pedestrian flows.

    Has the amount of parking in the precinct been increased?

    There is likely to be a small number of additional car parks near the proposed playground and Jubilee 2.  The actual number and format of these car parks would be determined during the playground design process.

    Why have you removed a playground?

    As part of Council’s Playground Improvement Program, it was identified that significant upgrade to the playground facilities in the precinct was required.

    The majority of feedback received in the first round of consultation, supported only having one playground in the precinct. Based on an assessment of usage, it has been proposed that the location to provide an upgraded playground is as shown on the plan.

    Why does the synthetic soccer pitch require re-grassing?

    This synthetic soccer pitch was installed in 2011 with a useful life of approximately 10 years. The actual lifespan of an individual pitch will vary depending on the use, and ongoing maintenance of the pitch. It is estimated that due to the programmed maintenance that has been undertaken to the pitch the useful life has been extended by approximately 3 years.

    How many trees will be removed in this proposed plan?

    Three trees will need to be removed to provide access to the secondary car park.  These have been assessed by Council’s qualified arborists who have determined that the trees have deteriorated with age, therefore have limited amenity value, although do provide some habitat value.  No hollows were observed in these trees.  The stems of the trees proposed to be removed will be relocated into or next to bushland areas as habitat logs for ground fauna. 

    Replacement planting will be undertaken using predominantly indigenous species, including indigenous Eucalypts.