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Consultation has concluded
A Plan for Victoria - A Voice for the East
The Victorian Government is working on a new Plan for Victoria, the first state wide strategy to guide Victoria's growth until 2050.
Victoria's population is expected to grow from 6.5 million (in 2021) to 10.3 million by 2051.
To accommodate this growth, the Victorian Government has set a target to deliver 80,000 new homes each year.
This will have significant impacts on Melbourne's eastern regions with the population expected to grow by half a million residents over 30 years.
We want to make sure that the Victorian Government considers what local communities value when it develops the Plan for Victoria.
Help us advocate to the Victorian Government on the Plan for Victoria for Maroondah and the eastern region of Melbourne by completing the surveys below.
Provide your feedback by Monday 13 May 2024.
Have your say
Provide your feedback to Council on the key priority areas for the Victorian Government's Plan for Victoria.
Let us know your ideas to help us plan for growth in Maroondah.This will help us develop our response to the Victorian Government.
The Eastern Region Group (ERG) of Councils (Knox, Manningham, Maroondah, Whitehorse and Yarra Ranges) works to improve outcomes for our communities and create great places to live, work and enjoy.
We want to make sure that Eastern region residents have a say in the Plan for Victoria process about how we grow and develop.
Help the Eastern Region Group of Councils (ERG) develop their response to the Victorian Government.Share your feedback now.
Hear from the ERG Mayor's on the importance of this advocacy by watching the video below:
A Plan for Victoria - A Voice for the East
The Victorian Government is working on a new Plan for Victoria, the first state wide strategy to guide Victoria's growth until 2050.
Victoria's population is expected to grow from 6.5 million (in 2021) to 10.3 million by 2051.
To accommodate this growth, the Victorian Government has set a target to deliver 80,000 new homes each year.
This will have significant impacts on Melbourne's eastern regions with the population expected to grow by half a million residents over 30 years.
We want to make sure that the Victorian Government considers what local communities value when it develops the Plan for Victoria.
Help us advocate to the Victorian Government on the Plan for Victoria for Maroondah and the eastern region of Melbourne by completing the surveys below.
Provide your feedback by Monday 13 May 2024.
Have your say
Provide your feedback to Council on the key priority areas for the Victorian Government's Plan for Victoria.
Let us know your ideas to help us plan for growth in Maroondah.This will help us develop our response to the Victorian Government.
The Eastern Region Group (ERG) of Councils (Knox, Manningham, Maroondah, Whitehorse and Yarra Ranges) works to improve outcomes for our communities and create great places to live, work and enjoy.
We want to make sure that Eastern region residents have a say in the Plan for Victoria process about how we grow and develop.
Help the Eastern Region Group of Councils (ERG) develop their response to the Victorian Government.Share your feedback now.
Give your feedback to Council on the key priority areas for the Victorian Government's Plan for Victoria.
Let Council know your ideas to help us plan for growth in Maroondah.
This will help Council develop their response to the Victorian Government.
Consultation has concluded
Share A Voice for the East survey on FacebookShare A Voice for the East survey on TwitterShare A Voice for the East survey on LinkedinEmail A Voice for the East survey link
The Eastern Region Group (ERG) of Councils (Knox, Manningham, Maroondah, Whitehorse and Yarra Ranges) works to improve outcomes for our communities and create great places to live, work and enjoy.
We want to make sure that Eastern region residents have a say in the Plan for Victoria process about how we grow and develop.
Help the Eastern Region Group of Councils (ERG) develop their response to the State Government.
Share your feedback now.
Consultation has concluded
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Click here to play video
ERG Mayors speak to a Voice for the East