Draft Croydon Major Activity Centre Structure Plan
Consultation has concluded
Project update - December 2024
Following community consultation in 2021 on what Croydon means to you, Council has prepared a draft Croydon Major Activity Centre (MAC) Structure Plan. This draft was placed on public consultation between 1 September and 31 October 2023. View a summary of the engagement here.
Thank you to everyone who has engaged with us and/or made a submission on this project to date.
In September 2023, the Victorian Government released Victoria’s Housing Statement, The decade ahead 2024-2034. The Statement focuses on “delivering more homes near transport, job opportunities and essential services”. The Statement also indicated that existing metropolitan planning strategy, Plan Melbourne 2017-2050 would be updated.
In February 2024, the Victoria Government opened consultation on a plan for Victoria, a new state wide planning strategy.
As part of this consultation, the Victoria Government also released Statewide draft housing targets to allow for 2.24 million homes to be built across Victoria by 2051. Every Council in Victoria has been provided with a draft target. Maroondah City has 48,000 existing dwellings and has been given a draft target of an extra 44,000 dwellings.
Council has placed the Croydon Structure Plan on hold as we seek to understand how the new Plan for Victoria and the housing targets will impact on planning and development in Maroondah.
More information on the plan for Victoria and the housing targets is available on the Engage Victoria website.
The Structure Plan
Our draft Croydon MAC Structure Plan outlines a shared vision for the area’s future to help guide development in suitable areas, ensure growth contributes to our high quality streets, laneways, public open space, heritage character, creek and wetland and amenity.
In 2021, we asked you to share your ideas and provide feedback on the Croydon MAC. You can read more about how we used that feedback to develop the draft plan on the Croydon MAC Issues and Opportunities Your Say page.
- View a summary of the draft Structure Plan.
- For more details of the Structure Plan, please refer to the full draft Structure Plan document.
Vision for the Croydon MAC
The centre is the heart of the Croydon community, supporting civic life, culture, and activity, shopping, and employment. It has a vibrant main street focused on independent retailers, set within a distinctive landscaped environment. It is an attractive, desirable destination for people to live, work and play in Melbourne’s east, providing a range of retail, office and business opportunities, housing types and community and education facilities.
The centre is known as a green, sustainable place where the treed canopy and nature permeates throughout, celebrating water, First Nations history and Tarralla Creek. The centre is inclusive and accessible with public spaces that are well connected, encouraging walking, cycling and public transport use.
The Precincts
There are 9 precincts that make up the Croydon MAC. The Precincts provide detail on the built form, heights, setbacks, urban design requirements, movement and connections.
- Precinct 1: Main Street and Station Precinct
- Precinct 2: Commercial
- Precinct 3: Residential Growth
- Precinct 4: Community and Education
- Precinct 5: Business
- Precinct 6: Residential Diversity
- Precinct 7: Tarralla Creek
- Precinct 8: Residential
- Precinct 9: Parkland
Further information
If you would like further information about this project, please call us on 1300 88 22 33 or 9298 4598 or email maroondah@maroondah.vic.gov.au.
Drop a pin
Choose your pin category (+ sign) then drop and drag to the location of your choice and add your comments.
For more information:
To view information on Pin categories, view the draft Croydon MAC Structure Plan summary document